Scrape playlist artists

The following script retrieves all tracks of your playlists and aggregates the most common artists by total track count.

It assumes that your credentials are saved in the environment and you have followed or created at least one playlist. For this example, the artist of podcast episodes is the name of the show. To avoid errors when hitting rate limits, a RetryingSender is used.

import asyncio
import tekore as tk

from collections import Counter

conf = tk.config_from_environment()
scope = tk.scope.playlist_read_private
token = tk.prompt_for_user_token(*conf, scope=scope)

def get_artist(track) -> str:
    if track.episode:
        return track.artists[0].name

Asynchronous functions can be used to achieve a faster runtime when making lots of parallelisable calls to the API. A series of asynchronous calls alone does not help much, but the calls can be parallelised with asyncio.gather(). The code is more complex, but with bigger workloads more time is saved.

async def count_artists(spotify: tk.Spotify, playlist_id: str):
    tracks = await spotify.playlist_items(playlist_id)
    tracks = spotify.all_items(tracks)
    return Counter([get_artist(t.track) async for t in tracks])

async def main() -> Counter:
    sender = tk.RetryingSender(sender=tk.AsyncSender())
    spotify = tk.Spotify(token, sender=sender, max_limits_on=True)

    playlists = await spotify.followed_playlists()
    playlists = spotify.all_items(playlists)
    counts = [await count_artists(spotify, async for p in playlists]

    await spotify.close()
    return sum(counts, Counter())

artists =

for name, count in artists.most_common(3):
    print(count, name)