Creating local scripts

The examples below give a framework for creating scripts to be run locally.

First we specify our client configuration and authorise a user. Once complete, the configuration is written to a file, along with the user’s refresh token which can be used to spawn new tokens without authorising again.


The code below uses the default redirect URI, which doesn’t need to be configured. However, if another redirect URI has been configured, it will not work.

import tekore as tk

client_id = 'your_client_id'
client_secret = 'your_client_secret'
redirect_uri = ''   # Or your redirect uri
conf = (client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri)
file = 'tekore.cfg'

token = tk.prompt_for_user_token(*conf, scope=tk.scope.every)
tk.config_to_file(file, conf + (token.refresh_token,))

That file can then be read whenever a script is started, and a refreshed token requested without user interaction. Thanks to the self-refreshing tokens returned by refresh_user_token(), even long-running scripts can simply use the same token indefinitely.


When only application tokens are needed, client_id and client_secret can be written to a file without initial authorisation.

import tekore as tk

file = 'tekore.cfg'
conf = tk.config_from_file(file, return_refresh=True)
token = tk.refresh_user_token(*conf[:2], conf[3])

spotify = tk.Spotify(token)

The same principle applies to configuration residing in the system environment, which can be accessed with config_from_environment(), though configuration cannot be written to environment variables. These snippets could also be combined to a single script checking for the existence of configuration or even just the refresh token to decide whether a new authorisation is needed or not.