Web API authorisation.
Client for retrieving access tokens. |
Expiring access token. |
Synchronous client for self-refreshing tokens. |
Automatically refreshing access token. |
Access token base class. |
User access token privileges. |
Set of |
Request for client credentials. |
Prompt for manual authorisation. |
Request a refreshed user token. |
Prompt for manual authorisation with PKCE. |
Request a refreshed PKCE user token. |
Implement user authorisation flow. |
Generate state to use in user authorisation. |
Parse an URL for parameter 'code'. |
Parse an URL for parameter 'state'. |
See also: Authorisation guide.
Expiring credentials
- class tekore.Credentials(client_id, client_secret=None, redirect_uri=None, sender=None, asynchronous=None)
Client for retrieving access tokens.
- Parameters:
client_id (str) – client id
client_secret (str | None) – client secret, not required for PKCE user authorisation
redirect_uri (str | None) – whitelisted redirect URI, required for user authorisation
sender (Sender | None) – request sender
asynchronous (bool | None) – synchronicity requirement
- pkce_user_authorisation(scope=None, state=None, verifier_bytes=32)
Construct authorisation URL and verifier.
Step 1/2 in authorisation code flow with proof key for code exchange. The user should be redirected to the resulting URL for authorisation. The verifier is passed to
in step 2.- Parameters:
scope – token privileges, accepts a
, a singlescope
, a list ofscopes
and strings forScope
, or a space-separated list of scopes as a stringstate (str | None) – additional state
verifier_bytes (int) – number of bytes to generate PKCE verifier with,
32 <= bytes <= 96
. The specified range of bytes generates the appropriate number of characters (43 - 128) after base-64 encoding, as required in RFC 7636.
- Returns:
authorisation URL and PKCE code verifier
- Return type:
tuple[str, str]
- refresh(token)
Refresh an access token.
Both client and user tokens are accepted and refreshed. The correct refreshing method is applied regardless if PKCE was used or not. For client tokens, a new token is returned. For user tokens, a refreshed token is returned.
- refresh_pkce_token(refresh_token)
Request a refreshed PKCE user token.
- Parameters:
refresh_token (str) – refresh token
- Returns:
refreshed user access token
- Return type:
- refresh_user_token(refresh_token)
Request a refreshed user token.
- Parameters:
refresh_token (str) – refresh token
- Returns:
refreshed user access token
- Return type:
- request_pkce_token(code, verifier)
Request a new PKCE user token.
Step 2/2 in authorisation code flow with proof key for code exchange. Code is provided as a URL parameter in the redirect URI after login in step 1:
.- Parameters:
code (str) – code from redirect parameters
verifier (str) – PKCE code verifier generated for authorisation URL
- Returns:
user access token
- Return type:
- request_user_token(code)
Request a new user token.
Step 2/2 in authorisation code flow. Code is provided as a URL parameter in the redirect URI after login in step 1:
.- Parameters:
code (str) – code from redirect parameters
- Returns:
user access token
- Return type:
- user_authorisation_url(scope=None, state=None, show_dialog=False)
Construct an authorisation URL.
Step 1/2 in authorisation code flow. User should be redirected to the resulting URL for authorisation. Step 2/2:
.- Parameters:
- Returns:
login URL
- Return type:
- class tekore.Token(token_info, uses_pkce)
Expiring access token.
Represents both client and user tokens. The refresh token of a client token is
.- Parameters:
token_info (dict) –
uses_pkce (bool) –
- property access_token: str
Bearer token value.
- property expires_at: int
When the token expires.
- property expires_in: int
Seconds until token expiration.
- property is_expiring: bool
Determine whether token is about to expire.
- property refresh_token: str | None
Refresh token for generating new access tokens.
if the token is an application token.
- property scope: Scope
Privileges granted to the token.
if the token is an application token or a user token without any scopes.
- property token_type: str
How the token may be used, always ‘Bearer’.
- property uses_pkce: bool
Proof key for code exchange used in authorisation.
Refreshing credentials
- class tekore.RefreshingCredentials(client_id, client_secret=None, redirect_uri=None, sender=None)
Synchronous client for self-refreshing tokens.
Delegates to an underlying
manager and parses tokens it returns intoRefreshingToken
.- Parameters:
client_id (str) – client id
client_secret (str | None) – client secret, not required for PKCE user authorisation
redirect_uri (str | None) – whitelisted redirect URI, required for user authorisation
sender (Sender | None) – synchronous request sender
- credentials
underlying credentials manager for token refreshing
- pkce_user_authorisation(scope=None, state=None, verifier_bytes=32)
Construct authorisation URL and verifier.
Step 1/2 in authorisation code flow with proof key for code exchange. The user should be redirected to the resulting URL for authorisation. The verifier is passed to
in step 2.- Parameters:
scope – token privileges, accepts a
, a singlescope
, a list ofscopes
and strings forScope
, or a space-separated list of scopes as a stringstate (str | None) – additional state
verifier_bytes (int) – number of bytes to generate PKCE verifier with,
32 <= bytes <= 96
. The specified range of bytes generates the appropriate number of characters (43 - 128) after base-64 encoding, as required in RFC 7636.
- Returns:
authorisation URL and PKCE code verifier
- Return type:
tuple[str, str]
- refresh_pkce_token(refresh_token)
Request a refreshed PKCE user token.
- Parameters:
refresh_token (str) – refresh token
- Returns:
refreshed user access token
- Return type:
- refresh_user_token(refresh_token)
Request an automatically refreshing user token with a refresh token.
- Parameters:
refresh_token (str) – refresh token
- Returns:
automatically refreshing user token
- Return type:
- request_client_token()
Request a refreshing client token.
- Returns:
automatically refreshing client token
- Return type:
- request_pkce_token(code, verifier)
Request a new PKCE user token.
Step 2/2 in authorisation code flow with proof key for code exchange. Code is provided as a URL parameter in the redirect URI after login in step 1:
.- Parameters:
code (str) – code from redirect parameters
verifier (str) – PKCE code verifier generated for authorisation URL
- Returns:
user access token
- Return type:
- request_user_token(code)
Request a new refreshing user token.
Step 2/2 in authorisation code flow. Code is provided as a URL parameter in the redirect URI after login in step 1:
.- Parameters:
code (str) – code from redirect parameters
- Returns:
automatically refreshing user token
- Return type:
- user_authorisation_url(scope=None, state=None, show_dialog=False)
Construct an authorisation URL.
Step 1/2 in authorisation code flow. User should be redirected to the resulting URL for authorisation. Step 2/2:
.- Parameters:
- Returns:
login URL
- Return type:
- class tekore.RefreshingToken(token, credentials)
Automatically refreshing access token.
Returned from utility functions and
. It shouldn’t have to be instantiated outside of the functions, unless you are sure that you want to.Uses an instance of
to automatically request a new access token when the old one is about to expire. This occurs when theaccess_token
property is read.Both
are alwaysNone
, andis_expiring
is alwaysFalse
.- Parameters:
token (Token) – access token object
credentials (Credentials) – credentials manager for token refreshing
- credentials
credentials manager for token refreshing
- property access_token: str
Bearer token value.
- property expires_at: None
When the token expires, always
- property expires_in: None
Seconds until token expiration, always
- property is_expiring: bool
Determine whether token is about to expire, always
- property refresh_token: str | None
Refresh token for generating new access tokens.
if the token is an application token.
- property scope: Scope
Privileges granted to the token.
if the token is an application token or a user token without any scopes.
- property token_type: str
How the token may be used, always ‘Bearer’.
- property uses_pkce: bool
Proof key for code exchange used in authorisation.
Scopes are used in user authorisation
to retrieve tokens with additional privileges.
is an enumeration of every possible such privilege.
import tekore as tk
cred = (client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri)
scope = tk.scope.user_read_email + tk.scope.user_read_private
token = tk.prompt_for_user_token(*cred, scope)
See Spotify’s Authorization scopes guide for scope descriptions. Scopes that are required or optional are listed in each endpoint’s documentation, see Client. They can also be determined programmatically.
- class tekore.scope(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
User access token privileges.
The string representation of a member is its enum value.
s = tk.scope.user_read_email print(s) # -> 'user-read-email'
Also provides three scopes that are a combination of others. Scope = ... # All read scopes tk.scope.write: Scope = ... # All write scopes tk.scope.every: Scope = read + write # All available scopes
are only used outside of the Web API, and are not included in the premade scope combinations.Addition and subtraction from both sides is supported but delegated to
and always returns aScope
.- app_remote_control = 'app-remote-control'
- every = frozenset({'playlist-modify-private', 'playlist-modify-public', 'playlist-read-collaborative', 'playlist-read-private', 'ugc-image-upload', 'user-follow-modify', 'user-follow-read', 'user-library-modify', 'user-library-read', 'user-modify-playback-state', 'user-read-currently-playing', 'user-read-email', 'user-read-playback-position', 'user-read-playback-state', 'user-read-private', 'user-read-recently-played', 'user-top-read'})
- playlist_modify_private = 'playlist-modify-private'
- playlist_modify_public = 'playlist-modify-public'
- playlist_read_collaborative = 'playlist-read-collaborative'
- playlist_read_private = 'playlist-read-private'
- read = frozenset({'playlist-read-collaborative', 'playlist-read-private', 'user-follow-read', 'user-library-read', 'user-read-currently-playing', 'user-read-email', 'user-read-playback-position', 'user-read-playback-state', 'user-read-private', 'user-read-recently-played', 'user-top-read'})
- streaming = 'streaming'
- ugc_image_upload = 'ugc-image-upload'
- user_follow_modify = 'user-follow-modify'
- user_follow_read = 'user-follow-read'
- user_library_modify = 'user-library-modify'
- user_library_read = 'user-library-read'
- user_modify_playback_state = 'user-modify-playback-state'
- user_read_currently_playing = 'user-read-currently-playing'
- user_read_email = 'user-read-email'
- user_read_playback_position = 'user-read-playback-position'
- user_read_playback_state = 'user-read-playback-state'
- user_read_private = 'user-read-private'
- user_read_recently_played = 'user-read-recently-played'
- user_top_read = 'user-top-read'
- write = frozenset({'playlist-modify-private', 'playlist-modify-public', 'ugc-image-upload', 'user-follow-modify', 'user-library-modify', 'user-modify-playback-state'})
- class tekore.Scope(*members)
Set of
for a token.Instantiated with an unpacked list of strings or
.bruce = tk.Scope(*tk.scope) sally = tk.Scope(tk.scope.user_read_email, 'ugc-image-upload') elise = tk.Scope(*sally, *timmy, tk.scope.user_follow_modify)
Also supports flexible addition and subtraction from both sides with strings,
and otherScope
objects. Addition is a set-like union, subtraction is a set-like relative complement. If any operation is unsuccessful,NotImplementedError
is raised.waldo = tk.scopes.user_follow_read + sally + elise - 'user-read-email'
The string representation of a
is a sorted, space-separated concatenation of its members.Construct a new set of scopes.
- Parameters:
members – unpacked list of members of the new scope
- Return type:
- static __new__(cls, *members)
Construct a new set of scopes.
- Parameters:
members – unpacked list of members of the new scope
- Return type:
- __repr__()
Readable representation.
- Return type:
- __str__()
Join members with spaces.
- Return type:
Authorisation utilities.
These utilities are meant to get users up and running quickly. Consider implementing authorisation procedures that suit your needs specifically. See Authenticating server for more details.
Request for client credentials. |
Prompt for manual authorisation. |
Request a refreshed user token. |
Prompt for manual authorisation with PKCE. |
Request a refreshed PKCE user token. |
Implement user authorisation flow. |
Generate state to use in user authorisation. |
Parse an URL for parameter 'code'. |
Parse an URL for parameter 'state'. |
- tekore.request_client_token(client_id, client_secret)
Request for client credentials.
- Parameters:
client_id (str) – client ID
client_secret (str) – client secret
- Returns:
automatically refreshing client token
- Return type:
- tekore.prompt_for_user_token(client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, scope=None, open_browser=True)
Prompt for manual authorisation.
Open a web browser for the user to log in with Spotify. Prompt to paste the URL after logging in to complete authorisation.
- Parameters:
client_id (str) – client ID
client_secret (str) – client secret
redirect_uri (str) – whitelisted redirect URI
scope – token privileges, accepts a
, a singlescope
, a list ofscopes
and strings forScope
, or a space-separated list of scopes as a stringopen_browser (bool) – open a web browser with auth url, or just print it
- Returns:
automatically refreshing user token
- Return type:
- Raises:
AssertionError – if state is inconsistent
- tekore.refresh_user_token(client_id, client_secret, refresh_token)
Request a refreshed user token.
- Parameters:
client_id (str) – client ID
client_secret (str) – client secret
refresh_token (str) – refresh token
- Returns:
automatically refreshing user token
- Return type:
- tekore.prompt_for_pkce_token(client_id, redirect_uri, scope=None, open_browser=True)
Prompt for manual authorisation with PKCE.
Open a web browser for the user to log in with Spotify. Prompt to paste the URL after logging in to complete authorisation.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
automatically refreshing PKCE user token
- Return type:
- Raises:
AssertionError – if state is inconsistent
- tekore.refresh_pkce_token(client_id, refresh_token)
Request a refreshed PKCE user token.
- Parameters:
client_id (str) – client ID
refresh_token (str) – refresh token
- Returns:
automatically refreshing user token
- Return type:
- class tekore.UserAuth(cred, scope=None, pkce=False)
Implement user authorisation flow.
Implements all steps and security checks for user authorisation. The responsibility of the caller is to redirect a user to the given URL and provide the resulting redirect URI or its parameters. Can be used with an asynchronous credentials client.
- Parameters:
cred (Credentials | RefreshingCredentials) – credentials client
scope – token privileges, accepts a
, a singlescope
, a list ofscopes
and strings forScope
, or a space-separated list of scopes as a stringpkce (bool) – use proof key for code exchange
- url
address to redirect a user to for authorisation
- Type:
- state
generated additional state
- Type:
- verifier
PKCE code verifier,
if PKCE is not used- Type:
auth = tk.UserAuth(cred, scope) # Redirect user to auth.url and parse parameters code, state = ... token = auth.request_token(code, state) # Or leave parsing to UserAuth redirected = ... token = auth.request_token(url=redirected) # With an asynchronous client token = await auth.request_token(url=redirected)
- request_token(code=None, state=None, url=None)
Verify state consistency and request token.
- Parameters:
code (str | None) – code from redirect parameters, required if url was not specified
state (str | None) – state from redirect parameters, required if url was not specified
url (str | None) – if specified, code and state are parsed from this URL instead
- Returns:
access token
- Return type:
- Raises:
AssertionError – if state is inconsistent
- tekore.gen_state(n_bytes=32)
Generate state to use in user authorisation.
The generated state is random and URL-safe. It is generated using
.- Parameters:
n_bytes (int) –
- Return type:
- tekore.parse_code_from_url(url)
Parse an URL for parameter ‘code’.
- Returns:
value of ‘code’
- Return type:
- Raises:
KeyError – if ‘code’ is not available or has multiple values
- Parameters:
url (str) –
- tekore.parse_state_from_url(url)
Parse an URL for parameter ‘state’.
- Returns:
value of ‘state’
- Return type:
- Raises:
KeyError – if ‘state’ is not available or has multiple values
- Parameters:
url (str) –