Analyse track from playlist

The following script retrieves a track from one of your playlists and analyses its features.

It assumes that your credentials are saved in the environment and you have followed or created at least one playlist and it has a track on it. Podcast episodes or a locally saved tracks are ignored, because they cannot be analysed.

import tekore as tk

conf = tk.config_from_environment()
token = tk.prompt_for_user_token(*conf)

spotify = tk.Spotify(token)
playlist = spotify.followed_playlists(limit=1).items[0]
track = spotify.playlist_items(, limit=1).items[0].track
name = f'"{}" from {}'

if track.episode:
    print(f'Cannot analyse episodes!\nGot {name}.')
elif track.track and track.is_local:
    print(f'Cannot analyse local tracks!\nGot {name}.')
    print(f'Analysing {name}...\n')
    analysis = spotify.track_audio_features(